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Whistleblower Lawyer | Fighting for Truth-Tellers Everywhere

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Fraud against the taxpayer lines the pockets of corporations and corrupt individuals, leeching billions of dollars out of the pool of available funds for vital infrastructure, Medicaid, veterans’ aid, scientific research grants, and more every year. However, those who can blow the whistle on fraud and false claims may be able to take advantage of several federal and state whistleblower laws to claim a financial reward as well as legal protections against retaliation.

Tycko & Zavareei LLP is home to a team of dedicated, expert whistleblower lawyers ready to represent clients who report on various types of fraud. If you have previously undisclosed information that can lead to a qui tam case, you can become a protected whistleblower and earn a percentage of the total recovery. Contact the nationally recognized qui tam attorneys at Tycko & Zavareei LLP today to understand your rights and privileges as a whistleblower and how you can qualify for a reward.

What is a Whistleblower Attorney?

a man in a suitA whistleblower attorney is a lawyer who specializes in qui tam law, or the recovery of stolen taxpayer funds. Qui tam law is derived from the Latin phrase of “qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur,” which translates to, “who brings the action for the King as well as for himself.” Qui tam law was first enacted in thirteenth-century England, but was incorporated into American law under the First Congress.

Qui tam law gives whistleblowers, known as qui tam relators, the chance to bring a case on behalf of the government in cases of fraud or abuse of funds. Because of their involvement, a whistleblower may keep a percentage recovered under a successful qui tam lawsuit. Qui tam relators are represented by qui tam attorneys, or whistleblower lawyers, who are experts in the crossover field of federal and state fraud recovery and whistleblower protections.

Blowing the whistle on fraud is a serious affair, and one that can involve some degree of risk to your career when not handled correctly. You need a level-headed, well-credentialed whistleblower attorney by your side to represent your claim, communicate with federal investigators, and protect your anonymity and personal interests.

What Does a Whistleblower Lawyer Do?

A whistleblower lawyer represents a qui tam relator in cases of fraud against the government. Whistleblower attorneys take on any and all of the following actions and responsibilities:

  • Advising a whistleblower on whether they have a case: Not every claim leads to a potential whistleblower reward. For instance, if information has already been reported, it may be inadmissible. Furthermore, if a whistleblower claim is rejected for being frivolous, or made in bad faith, there may be penalties assessed against the person who came forward. However, having a whistleblower attorney on your side can help ensure that your case has the best possible chance of moving forward. Working with a whistleblower lawyer can confirm that your information is valid, useful, and falls under the statute of limitations.
  • Protecting whistleblower anonymity: As a whistleblower, you can best insulate yourself from media attention and possible retaliation by filing your claim anonymously with the help of a qui tam attorney. Filing a qui tam lawsuit through a whistleblower law firm allows you to use the firm’s name, and not your own, as the claimant.
  • Helping whistleblowers build a strong case: Some forms of evidence are admissible under state and federal laws, whereas others may create liability for a whistleblower. For instance, 11 states (California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington) currently require the consent of each party before a conversation or phone call can be recorded. A whistleblower lawyer can help you build the strongest case possible to bring to the attention of federal investigators, without taking any kinds of evidence that might cause trouble for you in court. In general, do not take any documents or files that you would not already have access to in the course of your employment. Sharing confidential records such as health files may be allowable in cases of fraud, but a whistleblower attorney will be able to advise you about the specifics of what you will need in order to prove your claim without endangering yourself.
  • Filing your whistleblower claim: Your whistleblower lawyer will complete and file the paperwork necessary to launch your whistleblower claim. You may be able to file under more than one federal or state statute, depending on the details of your disclosure.
  • the US Capitol buildingCommunicating with federal investigators: The highest total recoveries tend to come from whistleblower cases that involve federal government intervention and investigation. However, not every claim is taken up by the government. Working with a qualified whistleblower law firm can add credibility to your claim when it comes time to present your information, increasing the likelihood of government intervention. Our whistleblower lawyers used to work for the Department of Justice and have long-standing relationships with government officials. Put our experience and resources to work for you.
  • Representing the relator in court: In the event that the government declines to intervene in your case, a qualified whistleblower attorney can still represent your claim in court. A successful recovery without government intervention entitles the relator to 30 percent of the settlement reward.
  • Suing in cases of whistleblower retaliation and discrimination: If you have been harassed, demoted, suspended, fired, or otherwise discriminated against due to your protected disclosure, there may be legal recourse available. A qualified whistleblower lawyer can present your case in court to win you double back pay, reinstatement, and other damages.
  • Following up on your case: Whistleblower claims can take years to resolve. Working with a whistleblower lawyer allows you to return to your own life while the investigation and litigation unfolds. Your whistleblower attorney can follow up on the case and ensure that your information is considered for a possible reward.
  • Recovering whistleblower awards: Whistleblower rewards are often determined based on degrees of helpfulness, cooperation, and how soon the whistleblower came forward with their information after learning it. Percentages can vary anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of the total amount recovered in a successful whistleblower claim. Working with a whistleblower lawyer ensures that you have every instance to communicate with investigators, and to earn yourself the highest reward percentage possible.

Case Types Our Whistleblower Lawyers Handle

The skilled and respected False Claims Act whistleblower attorneys at Tycko & Zavareei LLP have won millions for our clients in the following areas:

Healthcare Fraud

Healthcare fraud is one of the largest areas of qui tam law and often involves fraud against Medicare and Medicaid programs. Of the more than $2.2 billion recovered by the Department of Justice in fiscal year 2022, over $1.7 billion was due to healthcare fraud, including fraud from drug and medical device manufacturers, durable medical equipment sales, home health and managed care providers, hospitals, pharmacies, hospice organizations, and physicians. In addition to this amount, state Medicare/Medicaid fraud and the abuse of VA funds contributes to further recoveries by whistleblowers each year.

Some of the most common forms of healthcare fraud that are reportable by whistleblowers include:

  • Medicare Part C/Medicare Advantage fraud: Medicare Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage, is a convenient health insurance option for many seniors. Unfortunately, because it involves reimbursement through private insurance companies, it is also rife with fraud. Reporting on Medicare Advantage fraud can help save taxpayers millions of dollars and protect expanded options for healthcare for older Americans.
  • Kickback schemes: Offering and receiving financial incentives in exchange for patient referrals is illegal in the field of healthcare. Incentives such as direct payments, lower rates, and “perks” like free housing, meals, vacations, expensive gifts, and more are all examples of illegal kickbacks when they are exchanged between physicians and pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and other healthcare professionals.
  • Fraudulent medical billing: Submitting false bills for reimbursement is often done by “upcoding” and “unbundling.” In other words, misreporting healthcare codes leeches money from the taxpayer-funded system, while providing less effective and inefficient healthcare to those who have the misfortune of being seen by fraudulent providers. Ordering and billing for treatment which is not medically necessary is also a form of medical billing fraud that our whistleblower lawyers handle regularly.
  • Electronic health records fraud: EHR fraud can be difficult to spot, because of the many bugs and frustrations commonly linked to EHR software. Electronic health records companies must meet minimum qualifying standards in order for their software to qualify for government reimbursement. Additionally, it must be free of kickbacks, strategic advertisements, and other concerns.
  • Lab fraud: Lab fraud may involve false billing, or it may even include patients receiving false diagnoses and undue strain being put upon families and loved ones. Additionally, there are certain laws and regulations that providers must follow when recommending laboratory testing and follow up care. Failure to comply with the Stark Law can lead to fines and disqualification from future reimbursements.
  • two elderly people sitting on a bench outside a nursing homeNursing home fraud: Nursing home fraud leaves older Americans vulnerable to financial abuse and poor quality care. If you have entrusted a parent or older family member to a nursing home, you have the right to expect certain standards of care, professionalism, transparency, and ethics. When nursing home residents are exposed to tests and treatments that they do not need for the sake of undue Medicare reimbursements, it can be detrimental to their health – sometimes even fatal.
  • Home healthcare fraud: Home healthcare is fast on the rise in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employment of home healthcare aides is expected to increase by 25 percent, a much faster rate than average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, when companies hire unqualified providers, or when aides misrepresent care given to patients or how time was spent, they may be held accountable when a whistleblower reports the fraud to a qui tam attorney. Because many home healthcare programs are reimbursable through Medicare and Medicaid, they may be subject to a whistleblower lawsuit in instances of fraud and abuse.
  • Best price fraud: Pursuant to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Medicaid members (individuals or providers) must be charged a pharmaceutical drug’s “best price” available on the market in order for the manufacturer to be eligible for reimbursement under the Medicaid drug rebate program. When pharmaceutical companies misrepresent drug pricing to Medicaid in order to increase their own profits, they take advantage of the taxpayer and can be reported for fraud by a whistleblower.
  • Pharmaceutical price gouging: Pharmaceutical companies in America enjoy an unprecedented level of control over their pricing and profits. From hikes on insulin to an overnight increase of 5,000 percent on the cost of Daraprim, pharmaceutical companies hold patients’ health hostage by raising the cost of life-saving drugs. If you know about pharmaceutical fraud, however, you may be able to report it with the help of a whistleblower lawyer. Companies can be held liable for up to treble damages and more.
  • Addiction treatment center fraud: Patient brokering is a particularly dangerous form of fraud taking place at some addiction treatment centers. When patients are lured to fraudulent treatment centers in exchange for food, housing, and at times, access to drugs and alcohol, they are cheated out of an opportunity to experience quality care and rehabilitation. Our whistleblower attorneys are familiar with the complexities and nuance of fraud at addiction treatment centers and can help expose schemes taking place at the expense of individuals seeking help.

Government Contracts Fraud

Government contractors provide vital services and are funded by taxpayer dollars. Because of this, when they overpromise or underdeliver, they can be held accountable under the False Claims Act with the help of a well-versed whistleblower lawyer.

Common areas of government contract fraud include:

  • Cyber security fraud: Government contractors that fail to meet minimum cybersecurity requirements can be reported to the Department of Justice under the new Civil Cyber Fraud Initiative. Government contractors can now be held responsible for failing to report data breaches, failing to correct errors in data privacy protocols, and more. Whistleblowers are eligible to receive a percentage of the overall settlement, which would include civil penalties and fines assessed per violation.
  • the outside of a prisonPrivate prison fraud: The private prison industry has expanded by 14 percent over the last two decades in America. In some states, such as Montana, over half the incarcerated population is currently held in privately-owned prisons. Private prison fraud encapsulates a wide range of concerns, such as healthcare fraud, contract violations, accepting funds for services the facility cannot accommodate, overcrowding, abuse of prisoners, failure to meet minimum care standards, and more.
  • Railroad fraud: Railroad fraud can span multiple states and involves different federal statutes. Railroad grants administered by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) as well as government contracts may be subject to fraud attempts. Examples include misreporting how funds are spent, bid rigging to reduce competition, and failing to meet contractual requirements and quality standards.
  • Bridge construction fraud: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act earmarked $1.2 trillion for infrastructure spending. Reporting construction fraud can help ensure that that money is well spent on necessary and functional government projects. You may be able to report infrastructure fraud under certain state false claims acts, as well as the federal False Claims Act.

Securities Fraud

Securities fraud encompasses a wide array of market manipulation schemes. Examples of securities fraud include:

  • Insider trading
  • Late day trading
  • Pump and dump scams
  • Advance fee schemes

Through the SEC Whistleblower Program, the Securities and Exchange Commission fights securities fraud and any attempts to manipulate the market. Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, anyone with information leading to an enforcement action can collect 10 to 30 percent of the monetary sanctions imposed. SEC whistleblowers can report their information anonymously with the help of a whistleblower lawyer and qualify for powerful protections against employer retaliation.

Commodities Fraud

The Department of Justice’s Market Integrities and Major Frauds Unit is tasked with investigating both securities scams and commodities fraud. Common examples of commodities fraud include spoofing, insider trading, and benchmark price manipulation. If you report previously undisclosed information that leads to a successful whistleblower lawsuit, you may be able to recover anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of the overall recovery. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Whistleblower Program has already paid out over $120 million to individuals who have provided useful information that aided in financial recovery from commodities fraud.

Financial Fraud

Besides securities and commodities fraud, other areas of financial fraud include cryptocurrency schemes, mortgage fraud, predatory lenders, and the paying and offering of bribes to foreign government officials. Financial fraud has the capacity to destabilize the entire American economy, as the housing crisis of 2008 has shown.

The problem continues to be widespread: the Department of Justice has uncovered nearly $8 billion in mortgage fraud alone by the end of 2020. Reporting financial fraud can earn you a whistleblower reward, but it can also help protect single-family lending, multifamily housing programs, reverse (HECM) mortgage programs for seniors, and shore up economic stability for millions of families.

Customs and Tariffs Fraud

The importation and sale of certain goods is subject to the payment of customs and tariffs. In recent years, customs and tariffs fraud reporting has risen, as those who work in importing and logistics fields learn more about whistleblower protections and incentives, while the federal government has increased its use of tariffs as an economic tool.

The Department of Justice has announced its largest ever customs enforcement case, ending in a settlement of $22.8 million. In this case, the whistleblower, who was able to report strategic false invoicing as well as false reporting, will receive $3.78 million.

If you have information about mislabeling a good’s country of origin, misreporting its description on an official document, submitting false invoices to US Customs and Border Patrol, or otherwise evading customs duties, you should consult your rights and options with a seasoned whistleblower lawyer.

Education Fraud

Education fraud can occur on an individual or institutional level. Common examples of education fraud include student financial aid fraud in higher education, for profit college scams, diploma mills, and online education fraud. Education fraud also intersects with federal grant fraud when research funds are misused or misreported by grant administrators. Students, parents, administrators, teachers, and education professionals of all kinds may be able to become education fraud whistleblowers if they share information about misreported and misspent government funds with a whistleblower claims lawyer.

COVID-19 Loan Fraud

COVID-19 loan fraud has been called a “once in a generation scam,” as PPP loans, EIDL loans, and CARES funds were diverted toward fake businesses, non-existent employees, and used to purchase real estate and luxury goods. What should have been emergency lifelines for struggling small businesses, self-employed workers, and families hit hard by pandemic measures were instead funneled into the pockets of scam artists due to lax enforcement measures and a general air of confusion.

By reporting COVID-19 loan fraud, you can help hold accountable those who took advantage of a public crisis. You can also earn a whistleblower reward for helping recover defrauded taxpayer funds. Contact the law office of Tycko & Zavareei LLP for information about working with a whistleblower lawyer to report COVID-19 loan fraud.

Environmental Fraud

With the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice, companies that receive taxpayer funds can be held accountable for their failures to follow EPA standards, as well as federal and state environmental legislation. Companies that perform shoddy work on government contracts and fail to dispose of hazardous waste appropriately, or put natural areas in danger, can be reported to a whistleblower attorney for environmental fraud. Other federal laws protect endangered species as well as wildlife, plants, and animals that have been illegally bought and sold.

If you have information about a company receiving state or federal funding while failing to follow environmental regulations, contact a whistleblower lawyer today to hold them accountable and potentially win a monetary reward.

Tax Fraud

If you have information about instances of underpayment or nonpayment of taxes that involve at least $2 million, you may be able to become a tax fraud whistleblower. The IRS Whistleblower Program is a mandatory reward program that incentivizes whistleblowers to come forward and receive anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of the total recovery. If you have information that meets the minimum threshold of $2 million in defrauded funds, contact one of our whistleblower lawyers today.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Become a Whistleblower?

In most cases, you do need a whistleblower lawyer for the government to intervene in your case. Filing a whistleblower lawsuit with legal representation makes your claim more credible in the government’s eyes, making them more likely to take on the case.

When to Hire a Whistleblower Lawyer

As soon as you have information about fraud, you should speak to a whistleblower lawyer. There are several reasons to get in contact with a qui tam attorney as soon as possible:

  1. Being the first to report: Once information has been disclosed, it cannot be reported by another whistleblower for a reward. For this reason, being the first to blow the whistle on fraud is imperative if you hope to receive a percentage of the final settlement. If the fraud is already known, you can report previously undisclosed information, or use publicly available information to reach new conclusions, to qualify for a reward.
  2. Meeting the statute of limitations: Once the statute of limitations (reporting deadline) has passed, you may not be able to report your information for a reward. Under the federal False Claims Act, the statute of limitations for a qui tam action is either six years from when the fraud is committed, or three years after the United States knows or should know about the material facts, but not more than 10 years after the violation. Different state false claims acts and other statutes have different limitations on reporting timelines, so it is advisable to connect with a nationally recognized whistleblower lawyer who is familiar with the laws and rules in your state.
  3. Avoiding complicity: Failing to speak up may implicate you in your employer’s wrongdoing. The speed with which a whistleblower comes forward and their degree of cooperation with investigators also influences the percentage of funds they receive in a successful settlement.

What to Look for in a Whistleblower Lawyer

A False Claims Act whistleblower lawyer will be an expert in qui tam statutes and whistleblower protections. The firm you choose should have the resources to follow up on a potentially years-long investigation, and the focus to give your case the personal attention it deserves. Look for whistleblower attorneys with a stellar professional reputation, ability to communicate effectively with federal investigators, and history of successful settlements for their clients.

Does a Whistleblower Get Settlement Money?

If a whistleblower contributes to an investigation by willingly providing previously undisclosed, useful information that aids in the overall recovery, they are eligible to receive a portion of the overall recovery. In cases of large-scale fraud schemes, a whistleblower’s payout can reach into the millions of dollars. Work with a whistleblower lawyer to maximize your potential reward.

What Percentage Do Whistleblowers Get?

Award percentages vary based on whether the whistleblower reward falls under the purview of the SEC Whistleblower Program, CFTC Whistleblower Program, any other federal fraud disclosure program such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Lacey Act, Auto Safety Act, Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, Endangered Species Act, or a False Claims Act settlement. Under qui tam law, whistleblower are eligible to receive 15 to 30 percent of a successful settlement.

Notable Qui Tam Cases Handled By Our Whistleblower Lawyers

The following are some notable qui tam cases handled successfully by the top whistleblower attorneys at Tycko & Zavareei LLP:

  • $900 Million settlement in Biotech False Claims Act case: A former sales representative-turned-whistleblower received 25-30% of the $900 million settlement against Biogen. The biotechnology company allegedly offered lavish payments to doctors and hosted sham speaking programs in order to induce them to prescribe Biogen’s Multiple Sclerosis (MS) drugs. The whistleblower will receive at least $225 million from the kickback case settlement.
  • Government contractor fraud leads to $377,453,150 settlement: Partner Jonathan Tycko in conjunction with the attorneys at KaiserDillon PLLC successfully represented a whistleblower in a qui tam case against Booz Allen. The government contractor allegedly allocated costs from its commercial and international business dealings to its contracts with the US government, overcharging the taxpayer for their business expansion schemes. The whistleblower is set to receive a $69,828,832 reward.
  • $70.7 Million False Claims Act settlements for California Medicaid fraud: In three separate cases, the whistleblower lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP won successful outcomes for qui tam relators who alleged that California health care providers were submitting false claims to the state Medicaid system (Medi-Cal). The whistleblowers were awarded 18.5% of the federal government’s share of the settlement, and 24% of the recovery under the California False Claims Act. This totaled close to $13 million for the whistleblowers, plus attorneys fees’.
  • Michigan healthcare corporations pay $29 million False Claims Act settlement in kickbacks claim: A physician came forward to report Michigan healthcare companies that were offering illegal kickbacks in order to induce them to receive more Medicare patients to their facilities. For their disclosure, the whistleblower received an award of over $5 million.
  • Government contractor pays $21.8 million to resolve allegations of double-charging the Department of Defense: Government contractor L3 Technologies, Inc., Communication Systems West had allegedly been overcharging the Department of Defense on “dozens” of contracts for proratables, or lower-cost common stock items while developing two products: the Remote Operations Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) and the Video Oriented Transceiver for Exchange of Information (VORTEX). While this error may seem small at first, these combined instances of misreporting cost taxpayers millions of dollars through double-counting and fraud. There was no whistleblower in this case to share in the recovery, but relators generally earn anywhere from 15-25% of the settlement in a case with federal investigation.

How Can a Qui Tam Attorney Help Protect a Whistleblower?

A qui tam whistleblower attorney can protect your anonymity, safeguard your professional reputation, and sue for damages in court in the event that your employer discriminates against you or harasses you because of your disclosure. You may be able to receive up to double back pay, front pay, reinstatement when possible, legal fees, and other damages if your employer retaliates against you in any way because of your actions as a whistleblower. The skilled whistleblower lawyers of Tycko & Zavareei LLP can help you hold your employer accountable for violating your rights as a whistleblower.

Who Investigates Whistleblower Complaints?

The state attorney or state auditor investigates whistleblower complaints that allege violations of state False Claims Acts, and misappropriation of state funds. Otherwise, investigators of fraud on the federal level include:

Department of Justice

The Civil Division of the Department of Justice handles most False Claims Act investigations that allege misappropriation of government funds. Our whistleblower lawyers used to work for the Department of Justice and are very familiar with the standards a qui tam claim must meet for government intervention.

Securities and Exchange Commission

The Securities and Exchange Commission runs the SEC Whistleblower Program, designed to reward whistleblowers who report securities fraud, insider trading, and banking schemes. $279 million is the highest award for an SEC whistleblower to date. The SEC has paid nearly $1.2 billion to 249 whistleblowers since the program’s inception in 2012.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) runs a whistleblower program to help catch fraud in the derivatives market. The largest reward paid to a CFTC whistleblower is currently just under $200 million, for a case involving monetary sanctions of $3 billion. The whistleblower was a former executive of the bank accused of manipulating Libor, the London interbank offered rate, which is a “benchmark interest rate used to set short-term loans for global banks.” The application for a reward was initially denied, but the decision was reversed following a request by one of our whistleblower lawyers for further consideration.

Office of Environmental Justice

Violations of environmental protection statutes such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act are now reportable under the federal False Claims Act, with the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) within the Department of Justice. Companies that violate EPA regulations or fail to report environmental hazards can now be held accountable for up to treble damages, as well as possible whistleblower payouts of up to 30 percent of a successful settlement. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland remarked that OEJ will “prioritize the cases that will have the greatest impact on the communities most overburdened by environmental harm.”

Internal Revenue Service

One IRS whistleblower received $104 million as part of their settlement, the largest payout under the program to date. Rewards range from 15 to 30 percent of the total recovery in cases involving tax noncompliance of at least $2 million.

Understanding Whistleblower Attorney Fees

Whistleblower attorney fees vary. Most firms take a percentage of the final settlement, allowing them to offer their services with no up-front cost. However, settlement packages also differ from firm to firm, and not all firms offer competitive rates. Our experienced whistleblower lawyers take cases on a contingency basis, and are able to offer favorable agreements to our clients.

Whistleblower Lawyer: FAQs

Our whistleblower attorneys are frequently asked the following questions:

What qualifies as a whistleblower lawsuit?

Blowing the whistle means disclosing conduct that you believe violates a law, rule, or regulation. Examples include gross mismanagement, waste of funds, abuse of authority, and clear and present danger to public health and safety. Under these circumstances, average people are empowered to share their concerns with law enforcement officials and whistleblowers lawyers.

Do I have to be a US citizen to file a whistleblower lawsuit?

No, you do not have to be a US citizen in order to become a whistleblower. Some international whistleblowers have received significant payouts because of their decision to blow the whistle on banking fraud, tax evasion, bribes to government officials, and other schemes involving the US government.

What happens when you file a whistleblower complaint?

Unlike filing a standard lawsuit, the company that you have alleged fraud against will not be served. Instead the complaint will remain sealed while it is under federal investigation. During this time, investigators will decide whether or not to intervene in your claim. Should they choose not to do so, you may still be able to continue with your case with the help of a federal whistleblower attorney.

Can a whistleblower get in trouble?

Federal whistleblower lawyers do more than report on fraud – they also protect whistleblowers’ rights. Whistleblowers receive powerful protections in the United States. Under federal law, your employer may be ordered to pay you double back pay with interest, litigation fees, court fees, and more if you were retaliated against for reporting fraud. If you were fired or demoted, your employer may be ordered to re-hire you to the same seniority level, or offer you front pay in cases where reinstatement is not possible.

How long do whistleblower cases take?

The average SEC whistleblower payout takes 4 years from start to finish. Some whistleblower cases may take longer or shorter, depending on the extent of the fraud and the ability of the whistleblower to prove the wrongdoing.

Call Our Whistleblower Attorneys Today

Ready to blow the whistle on fraud? The whistleblower lawyers at Tycko & Zavareei LLP are ready to hear the facts of your case and help you build your claim. With the discretion of attorney-client privilege, whistleblowers can rest assured that their information will remain confidential for as long as possible. Our whistleblower attorneys include top graduates of the nation’s most prestigious law schools, former Department of Justice officials, and some of the best legal talent focused on qui tam cases today. For a complimentary consultation, contact the law office of Tycko & Zavareei LLP and see how our experienced whistleblower lawyers can help you.


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